Yes. This is different.

By now, “story-driven marketing” is the dead, bloated horse on the side of the road that takes a daily beating. Of course it sounds romantic. Who doesn’t love a good story? Who hasn’t had The Hero’s Journey beaten into their head since grade school? A story makes it feel authentic, right?

The suck: what we now know as “story” is a wildly misguided series of whatever events painted the same color and glued like dried macaroni on a Mother’s Day card. And here you are, waiting for someone to say “thank you” for making such a pretty little handicraft destined for the trash can.

OutWord is a recommitment to story.

Your Story: Reborn. Rebuilt. Released.

Your story, your value, your offer. The tales you spin that have made you who you are. Brand stories that feel real because they ARE real. Stories that get invited back to parties because everyone knows they are in for a good time.

The World needs YOUR story now more than ever.

There is no story or shared narrative anymore. Our attention is riddled with bits of things that happen presented in a flood of nutrition-free, easy-to-digest content designed to prevent you from feeling a damn thing. When we don’t feel, we can’t create. When creativity is vacant, mindless content and endless noise reigns supreme.

OutWord isn’t the quick fix. We’re not about “surefire solutions” or “tried and true” results. OutWord is about you, the stuff that makes you, and the story that comes through you. Sometimes the best way forward is to turn around, take a step back, simplify and return to the root of what makes you, your product, your brand, your company, so damn special.

This doesn’t scale, but it does work.
